Making a Difference

Having access to social media can affect teens since they are not focusing their time on their education. Spending time on social media could lower the gpa of the students.
Those who have a gpa of a 4.0 donĀ“t really have social media accounts or they do not spend a lot of their time on it. However, those who have a GPA of 2.5 and below
spend 5 or more hours on social media. This shows how sepnding a lot of time online can affect a students focus on academics. It can also affect how many hours of sleep they
can get a day. Since they are trying to keep up with their social media accounts they are sleeping less hours. Social media can be fine in regulation. Students should start trying to limit
their use of social media. This way they can focus more on their academic work. Parents should also try to help their child. If parents limit their use of social media they will help their
child be more productive.